Journal Club Chronicles: Neurodivergent - Through the Lens with Julie Mae Wallingford


We have another AMAZING episode for you here; featuring our very own, Julie Mae Wallingford, M.Ed, BCBA (future Ph.D.)-- a Program Director here at Joyscape Therapy. 

Listen in as Julie Mae shares about some of her experiences of navigating through daily challenges and excelling at her special interests! Julie Mae shares her perspective on the recent findings from CDC article and opens up about her diagnosis. Tune in as Julie Mae gives the audience a piece of what it was like to grow up with a mother who advocated for her needs as an autistic individual in a rural area.

Article: Maenner MJ, Warren Z, Williams AR, et al. Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2020. MMWR Surveill Summ 2023;72(No. SS-2):1–14. DOI:

Host:  Maryssa McKenzie, M.S., BCBA
Guest Speaker: Julie Mae Wallingford, M. Ed., BCBA

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