Fun Rainy Day Activities for Kids

Rainy days don't have to dampen the fun! There are plenty of engaging indoor activities to keep kids busy when the weather outside is frightful. Here are some rainy day activity ideas to try with your children.

Arts and Crafts 

- Make homemade playdough together. Let kids experiment with adding food coloring or essential oils for different scents. Pull out cookie cutters, rolling pins, and other utensils to use with the playdough.

- Finger paint using pudding or jello. It's a tasty sensory activity for little ones. 

- Use old newspaper and paper towel tubes to make paper bag puppets. Decorate them with crayons, stickers, yarn for hair, and other craft materials. Then put on a puppet show!

Science Experiments

- Mix baking soda and vinegar in a small plastic bottle to create an erupting science experiment. Add a few drops of food coloring for extra fun.

- Make a rain cloud in a jar. Fill a glass jar halfway with water and add a few drops of blue food coloring. Next add a layer of shaving cream on top. Watch it rain as the shaving cream mixes with the colored water.

- Conduct a color mixing experiment. Provide washable paints and a mixing tray. Let kids explore making new colors by blending paints.

Indoor Activities 

- Build an indoor fort or tent using blankets, pillows, chairs and other household items. It's the perfect cozy spot for playtime.

- Make an indoor obstacle course using furniture and toys. See if kids can crawl through, under, and around each obstacle. Time them for added excitement. 

- Play a classic board game or puzzle together. It's quality family bonding time.

Don't let rainy days stop the fun. Engage kids with these creative rainy day activities at home. Before you know it, the sun will be shining again!


Creative Reinforcement Ideas


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