Ashley Sharma, M.S., BCBA

Behavioral Program Manager

To Ashley, nothing is more fun and fulfilling than engaging in play-based learning while simultaneously helping her kiddos find their voice. Ashley discovered her passion for the special needs community in 2016 while working in the academic setting within an ABA-contained classroom where she provided behavioral support to some of the greatest kids in the world! Ashley firmly believes that to help children, you must first become one yourself. It’s important to see the world through the eyes of the children she serves in order to create meaningful programs unique to that child. Ashley graduated in 2021 with her Master’s degree from Pepperdine University, and received her BCBA shortly after.

When she’s not working with her kiddos, Ashley loves to be barefoot in the wilderness, exploring new restaurants, strength training in the gym, cooking new (Asian-inspired) recipes, or spending time with her family and friends!