
Alexandra Garcia, M.A., BCBA

Behavioral Program Manager

Alexandra Garcia has worked in the field of ABA since 2015 and has always been drawn to the study of behavior and Autism. She started working as a tutor for middle schoolers of different abilities while studying for her degree in Psychology from California State University, Long Beach. During her studies she dedicated herself to learning more about Autism to further understand her students and subsequently discovered the field of ABA. Immediately after graduating, she started working as a Behavior Therapist and received her RBT certification. She has been trained in naturalistic therapies (such as PRT and NET) and loves making learning fun. She has experience working with children of all abilities ranging from ages 2-10 in home, clinic, and community settings. Some areas she feels most passionate about are Early Intervention, Functional Communication Training, Augmented and Alternative Communication, and Social Skills. Alex believes in child led, compassionate care where children are empowered to become independent learners. She recently graduated from the University of West Florida with her degree in Exceptional Student Education and an emphasis in ABA. 

In her free time, Alex enjoys cooking outdoors with her family, trying new foods, going to the beach, exploring nature, watching documentaries, listening to music, and learning about the Star Wars Universe.